Liked on YouTube: 5 झूट जिस पर आज भी आप यकीन करते हो (Real Life Science Facts vs. Myths Explained)


Liked on YouTube: 5 झूट जिस पर आज भी आप यकीन करते हो (Real Life Science Facts vs. Myths Explained)
5 झूट जिस पर आज भी आप यकीन करते हो (Real Life Science Facts vs. Myths Explained)
5 झूट जिस पर आज भी आप यकीन करते हो (Real Life Science Facts vs. Myths Explained) This is first episode of the series called fiction or fact? In this video we have explained myth or very common myths we believe in real life! We will find out whether these facts are real or fake. These are four myths we have explained and done analysis of in this video with valid research and scientific explanation! In investigation, the average person needs to drink eight glasses of water or 2.5 litter of water per day to avoid being “chronically dehydrated or to be healthy.” but it's just a fiction and very little science! Eight glasses, or two to three liters, of water a day are not needed to maintain health. The amount of water needed varies by person to person. like activity level, climate. Water actually need not be consumed in pure form, but can be derived from varieties of liquids. and from foods including fruits and vegetables. Many people believe in this that If you have a Palmaris longus in your hand that means you are genius and if you don't have palmaris longus in your hand that means you are intelligent in some other way! but this is not true! It's a vestigial muscle, and it is inactive muscle in our hand because of evolutionary process! Butterfly and bumble bee type of insect should not be able to fly! but the flight mechanism and aerodynamics of the bumblebee (as well as other insects) are actually quite well understood! but people still deliver this like scientist thinks bumblebee should not be able to fly! Nasa spent millions of dollars to investigate for space pen or astronaut pen! This one is spreaded in India mainly because of movie! INTERESTING videos - ALBERT EINSTEIN मेरे 'दादाजी' है. ऐसे मुझे पता चला.. Science and Biology Behind Human Genes इस लड़की ने INTERNET पर करोड़ों लोगों को बेवक़ूफ़ बनाया (Internet and Science Technology Awareness) - पक्षियों को MOON पर जाते देखा गया पर सच्चाई जानकार सभी चौंक गए Science Of Bird Migration On Earth - Watch other interesting videos from our other channel GetsetflySCIENCE - क्या होगा अगर पूरी बारिश एक ही विशालकाय बूँद में पृथ्वी पर गिर जाये तो (What if Science - Earth) - सभी इंसानो से आखिर कितना दूर जाया जा सकता है? How Far Away Can you Travel from People on Earth - 12 साल के COMA से बाहर निकलने के बाद इसने जो कहा सबके होश उड़े रह गए Medical Science Brain Case - Sources: https: //pastebin. com/cEERQrnX (In order to activate above link, copy that url and remove unnecessary spaces)
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February 16, 2019 at 03:31PM

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